Managing tech is a unique challenge for every family.


Site Design


Google Families


UI Design

Google Families is an interactive experience that puts parents and families first. Helping you make technology work for your family.

Families are searching for answers about technology and their children more than ever. That’s where Google wanted to help out. By stepping in and creating a site dedicated to just that, helping families with technology. Everything from how much screen time is too much for my child to what are some fun online resources I can share with my child. Helping educate parents and children in a technology world that changes everyday.

I was extremely fortunate to be brought in to help design a user interface and build the site from the ground up.

Final page designs created in Figma.

A sampling of the master file with page layout and spacing

The card system structure and how it would resize according to the size of the site.

Showing content modules, cards, and addition padding

Hidden gem 😉